Smart Pot® Blog

Department of Environmental Horticulture, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL

Fabric Containers Increased Irrigation Demand but Decreased Leachate Loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Compared With Conventional Plastic Containers

A recent study at the University of Florida found that using fabric Smart Pots had a number of positive effects on both the plant and the environment when compared to growing in standard plastic containers. Published in HortScience, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, (HortScience 57, 2022) the study found –

Butterfly pollinating Sunflower in Smart Pot
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Grow Pollinator-Attracting Plants In Smart Pot

Pollinators are essential for our food system. They pollinator crops, fruits, and vegetables, which helps to ensure that you have a bountiful harvest. However, pollinators are under threat from habitat loss, pestices, and climate change. One Way to help pollinators is to plant pollinator-friendly plants in your garden.

Urban Compost Sak filled
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Introducing the Smart Pot Urban Compost Sak: The Perfect Composting Solution for Small Space Gardeners

The Smart Pot Urban Compost Sak is a small, lightweight, and portable composting bag that’s perfect for small space gardens. It’s made from durable, breathable fabric that allows air and water to circulate freely, which helps to speed up the composting process. The Urban Compost Sak also comes with a fitted cover to help keep out pests and moisture.

California Composting Laws And How To Compost The Smart Way

California Composting Laws And How To Compost The Smart Way

In 2016, The CA State Legislature, as a part of SB 1383, updated state law regarding mandatory composting. The program will mandate the composting of organic waste by residential and commercial businesses. The biggest challenge faced will be from restaurants and grocery stores, but regular folks are going to have some decisions to make, soon. The law is supposed to be fully enforced by the start of 2024. Californians should start to learn what is coming down the pipeline, and Smart Pot® is here to help!

Don’t Worry, BEE Happy!

Don’t Worry, BEE Happy!

Don’t have deep rich topsoil, loads of room for garden beds? Or the time and energy to dig deep for a garden to honor the Earth? You can still support our precious pollinators with Smart Pot gardening by enriching your environment with a wealth of beauty and a healthy harvest.  Most plants benefit, or even…