Smart Pot® Blog

Which Potting Mix is Right for You?
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Which Potting Mix is Right for You?

Potting mix, also called potting soil, is a soilless blend of ingredients used to grow plants. Often containing a combination of peat moss, coir fiber, vermiculite, sand, perlite, pine bark, compost, and other ingredients, there are dozens of brands of commercial plant potting mix on the market. Though all good-quality potting mixes should be easy-to-handle,…

Managing Indoor Plant Pests
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Managing Indoor Plant Pests

From poor light conditions to improper watering, houseplant growers face many challenges. But for most of them, no problem raises greater concern than an encounter with indoor plant pests. A house’s warm, consistent temperature – coupled with its complete lack of pest-munching natural enemies like ladybugs and lacewings – makes the perfect breeding ground for…

The 5 Best Bulbs to Plant in Spring for Summer Blooms
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The 5 Best Bulbs to Plant in Spring for Summer Blooms

While spring-blooming daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and other fall-planted bulbs are great additions to any garden, summer-blooming bulbs also deserve a featured spot in the landscape. Planted in the spring, these summer beauties require very little maintenance and can be tucked right into existing garden beds. Planting spring bulbs means a lush garden, filled with fragrance…

How to Take Cuttings of Your Favorite Houseplants in 5 Easy Steps
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How to Take Cuttings of Your Favorite Houseplants in 5 Easy Steps

Propagating plants is a great way to take your love of gardening to the next level, and starting plants from seed isn’t the only way to do it. Though many vegetables, annuals, and perennials are easily propagated from seed, this is not the case with houseplants. To make more houseplants, vegetative propagation is often the…

It’s Easy to Grow Houseplants in Smart Pots
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It’s Easy to Grow Houseplants in Smart Pots

Smart Pots aren’t just for outdoor growing. While they’re perfect for vegetable, fruit, and ornamental flower gardeners, they’re also great for houseplant enthusiasts. Why is it so easy to grow houseplants in Smart Pots? Because Smart Pots are made of lightweight, easy-to-carry fabric, it’s easy to transport even large houseplants to the utility sink or…